21 January, 2011

Something to Meditate on

Think of a tree; it fixes its roots in the lowly soil in order to stretch out its topmost branches to the sky.  You, though, wish to comprehend the heights without charity; you are challenging the winds without roots.  That's the way to come crashing down, not to grow.  With Christ dwelling in your hearts through faith, be rooted and grounded in love that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. - Sermon 117, 17

Prayer: Come, Lord, stir us and call us back, kindle us and seize us; let us love You and run to You.  Amen

1 comment:

  1. this is an amazing analogy, i really like it. and makes alot of sense, in some ways it hits me hard. i know that i do reach too far sometimes and start to crash down, but you and the Lord have always been there to help me back up.
