04 July, 2011

Book Review

“Radical Together”  by David Platt

     The Church in America has been seduced by the American dream and we have been unfaithful to the Gospel. We have turned inward and think only about our lives and our local churches and we forget about the calling God has given us. This book and its predecessor, Radical, are concerned with correcting this.

   The one big flaw in both this book and the previous one is that, if taken at face value, they induce guilt in the reader.  Not everyone can be a missionary to a far away place or start some type of “radical” apostolate here at home.  Quite a few Christians are leading Christ centered lives and use their talents to fulfill a vocation close to home.

   While it is not necessary to have read Radical before taking on Radical Together, it will be an immense help if you do.  This book is a continuation of the topic found in Radical and makes much more sense when taken in the context of its’ predecessor. I highly recommend purchasing and reading both books back to back.

   Taken together these books will benefit anyone involved in ministry or wanting to live a Christo-centric, Radical life.

"I received this book for free from Waterbrookmultnomah publishing group for this review."

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Read Chapter One

18 April, 2011

Book Review - "Awakening"

“Awakening; A New Approach to Faith, Fasting, and Spiritual Freedom” by Stovall Weems will do just what the cover says, “Revolutionize your Relationship with God”.

Has your relationship with God come to a stand-still? Have you hit a plateau?  Are you going nowhere fast?  Do you find yourself so busy tending to the cares of this world that you are neglecting to spend time with God? 

Then this book is for you.  Read it, learn it, live it.  Weems shows us a completely new way to look at fasting.  Rather than suffering through a fast,  he shows you how to enjoy fasting.  That’s right I said “enjoy!” fasting.  After learning about “The Awakening Lifestyle”  he takes you on a 21 day journey of fasting in various ways that will bring you closer to God.

After 21 days you will have developed a pattern or habit that you can continue on with indefinitely .  You will experience the “Awakening” that you have always yearned for, but didn’t know how to obtain. 

I would love to put a copy of this book into the hands of every Christian who wants a deeper more meaningful relationship with their Saviour. 

FTC Disclaimer – “I received this book for free from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review”.

21 March, 2011

Book Review - Radical

Radical by David Platt is one of those rare books that doesn’t just rant about what we as Christians are called to do. It challenges the very way we think about what it means to be a follower of Christ, a true disciple if you will, in modern day America. Have we co-opted the teachings of Christ to fit in our safe, protected, well-financed, non-biblical way of life, i.e. the American dream?

Quite a few books come across my desk each month, it is the rare gem that changes the way I look upon my life and convicts me to make changes. Radical is one of them.
Radical by David Platt (Chapter 1)
I highly recommend this book to anyone who calls themselves a Christian, and even more so to those Christians who seek to live as true disciples of Christ.

FTC Disclaimer - "I received this book for free from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review"

To read other reviews of this book go to

Since reading this book I have decided to purchase several copies and give them to other pastors in my area and to family members.

01 March, 2011

Book Review "Desiring God" by John Piper

In “Desiring God” Piper shows us that as Christians it isn’t just ‘ok’ to be happy, it is our duty. That to seek pleasure in God actually glorifies Him. Piper uses plenty of scriptures to support his claims, and not all of them are taken out of context.

If you are looking for a book that explains why you should be happy and full of joy as a Christian, then this is for you. If you already know that you are supposed to desire God, then you will want to find something with more depth.

All in all, not a bad read, good for the new Christian, but I won’t be reading it a second time nor will I be putting it in my top 100.

FTC Disclaimer "I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review"

27 January, 2011

How to Live and How to Die

The Lord Made Flesh Taught Those Who Believe in Him How To Live and How To Die:
        This Lord and Savior of ours, the Son of God, the Word of God Who became flesh, taught those who believe in Him how to live, taught them how to die: to live without greed, to die without fear.
   He taught us how to live so that we might not die forever; He taught us how to die so that we might live forever.

Speak to me, O my God, within my heart in truth, for You alone speak so.

21 January, 2011

Something to Meditate on

Think of a tree; it fixes its roots in the lowly soil in order to stretch out its topmost branches to the sky.  You, though, wish to comprehend the heights without charity; you are challenging the winds without roots.  That's the way to come crashing down, not to grow.  With Christ dwelling in your hearts through faith, be rooted and grounded in love that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. - Sermon 117, 17

Prayer: Come, Lord, stir us and call us back, kindle us and seize us; let us love You and run to You.  Amen